Chai Air Times provides the missing information that your airline left out, viz., zemanim. However, unlike the online version, the "Pro" program calculates accurate zemanim based on real time information using your PC laptop or tablet. The "Pro" program also doesn't let you miss zemanim. You set alarms to wake you at the right time. Imagine gaining the luxury of sleeping without worrying to wake up in time to daven. LANDSAT maps duplicate what you see on the airplane screen. Follow course changes over the ocean using topo. maps that show ocean bathymetry. If you purchase a GPS accessory kit, then GPS enabled navigation allows you to follow your airplane to unheard accuracy that will allow you to even daven k'visikin on board the airplane. (Where GPS reception is poor, e.g., over the Arctic, the program will estimate your current position from the last GPS reading.) Modify the "flight plan" to improve the predictive capabilities of the alarms. Full pan and zoom features. Intuitive map controls. Maximize button fits the maps to your screen. Works on a Windows tablet or "Netbook" computer with a minimum screen resolution of 800 x 600. After you use this program during your next flight, we guarantee you will never travel again without it. In short, it is an absolute must for the Jewish air traveler. (See below for more details).
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