We are also happy to announce the availability of (1) a simple free
Android app
that makes sure you are davening what and when you are supposed to as long as
you can geolocation using GPS, and (2) Our free Android app that used to be sold via Google Play.
(Contact me for more information.)
Departure Information
Information about your departure is printed on your ticket.
Place your ticket in front of you while you are filling out these forms.
Departure airport
Departure date
Departure Time
<--Check the box if Daylight Saving Time is in effect at the departure point
(This parameter is essential.
See the
Introduction for more information.)

Arrival Information
Information about your arrival is printed on your ticket.
Place your ticket in front of you while you are filling out these forms.
Arrival airport
Arrival date (Month/Day/Year):
Arrival Time (Hours/Minutes):
<--Check the box if Daylight Saving Time is in effect at the arrival point
(This parameter is essential.
See the
Introduction for more information.)

Language of the table:
Table formats (do
not use "non-standard" formats without reading the